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Chapter 1426 I Am A Virgin:>>Ep6

  • I was temporarily entranced by her rear view. Her anus bore a remarkable resemblance to the spice star anise. If you are unfamiliar, try a google image search and you will see exactly what I was looking at. Beneath that was a moist looking crevice bracketed by a pair of fleshy labial lips. I crawled up behind her. I was eager to explore this visceral visage at close range.
  • She looked back at me with amusement as I examined her private parts from very close quarters. Abruptly, she pushed herself back at me. My nose became nestled into her spicy little star and my lips met hers. Her smell was heady. It made my senses swim. Feeling more than a little courageous I gave her juicy slit a few generous slurps. Her moan was the personification of sexual pleasure. Emboldened, I moved my tongue up to her more constricted passage. I darted my tongue at her little starfish. She jumped but after a moment pushed her bottom back at my agile little oral finger.
  • "My God, My God!" she wailed. "You are licking my ass!" I pushed my tongue as hard as I could against her little orifice. To my surprise it penetrated her. She gasped. "Your tongue is in my ass! Another first! Another first!"
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